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Necdet Yavaş

Linux Gaming Notes

Linux Gaming Resources

Heroic Launcherfor GOG and Epic store and library
Proton DBfor compatibility information
Linux VR Adventures (LVRA) Wikifor Virtual Reality (VR) information
ProtonUp-Qtfor easy management of various gaming compatibility tools
Steam Tinker Launchfor easy configuration and tweaking of Steam games.
I recommend installing it through ProtonUp-Qt.
I use it mainly for Mod Organizer 2, Reshade, Mangohud and enabling HDR support.

Steam Tinker Launch Notes

Add Shader Repos
Locate the repocustomlist.txtLocation when downloaded from ProtonUp-Qt: /home/USERNAME/.config/steamtinkerlaunch/downloads/shaders
If the file does not exist, you can create it manually or copy the bundled template.
Format the Repository EntriesEach repository entry in the repocustomlist.txt file should follow the format: "URL";REPONAME;AUTHOR;DESCRIPTION
Delete lastdl.txtSo it downloads or updates the shaders. (It wasn't checking the added shaders before deleting.)
Safe to delete files in this directoryEverything except repocustomlist.txt and repoblocklist.txt (Haven't tried deleting these 2.)